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Steam Achievement Manager

6 reviews
186.5 k downloads

Manage all your achievements on Steam

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Steam Achievement Manager is an app that lets you manually manage all your achievements on Steam. What does this mean? Basically, you can add or get rid of any achievements in the games you have in your library.

Steam Achievement Manager is easy and safe to use. All you have to do is run the program with Steam open in the background, wait a few seconds for all the games in your collection to load, and select any one of them. Then, you can scroll through your list of games, or if you prefer, directly enter the name of the game you want to modify.

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Once you've found the game in question, you can see a complete list with all your achievements. You'll see a small box next to each one of these achievements, which will be selected if you've already earned it, or empty if you haven't yet. To add an achievement to your collection, all you have to do is select it and then click on the button found in the upper right corner of the screen 'Commit Changes.' Once you've done this, you can see how the achievement shows up in your collection.

Steam Achievement Manager is an incredibly useful program that lets you add (or get rid of) any achievement on the Steam platform. The program is completely safe to use, but it can be problematic for online games, in which access to some content is dependent on achievements. That's why this program is recommended exclusively for offline games.

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Information about Steam Achievement Manager 7.0.25

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Utilities
Language English
Author Rick Gibbed
Downloads 186,509
Date Aug 28, 2023
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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6 reviews


loiso icon
in 2023

Everything works, thank you

jfrion icon
in 2022

08/31/2022 - everything works

luffy06 icon
in 2022

Good evening the software no longer works for me before it works very well I had all the games that are displayed and I no longer have the games that are displayed this is normal:/ thank you in advanc...See more

vtd1 icon
in 2022

everything works perfectly

drlooper icon
in 2021

not working after the new update on steam

donbigoton icon
in 2021

Works. You can put the achievements you want without problems.

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